Amazon Wholesale Analysis tool
Analyze Wholesale on Amazon with Us

AMAZON Wholesale
Why are so many Amazon sellers using our Amazon Wholesale tool?
Use Your Own Supplier
Obtain your Supplier’s product list and upload to our server.
Fast Response
We analyse your supplier list, identify the UPC Code, and find any product on Amazon that matches that UPC Code.
Detailed Market Research
For each Product we identify, we provide how many units that product sells, and how many sellers there are.

Amazon Wholesale
Take advantage of your existing supplier
We match your entire suppliers database with what exists on and help you spot the gems that will be profitable to compete with.
Amazon Wholesale
Processing Large batches
of data for you
Get the data points you need to discover potential best-selling products in untapped niches with less competition. Then, easily save, sort, and organize results for future references.

Q: This sounds complicated?
A: Its so easy. You upload your suppliers list via CSV, and we then give you a download a few minutes later. You can see on video how simple this is.
Q: Will I be able to use Wholesale Helper while I’m on free trial?
A: We will allow you to test a batch of products from your suppliers list – so you can see the value we will provide.
Q: How long will it take?
A: It will take approximately 2 minutes for us to search through all 150 million Amazon products, find those UPCs that your supplier can provide, and then give you the sales estimates and inside data on each product.
Q: What’s Amazon Wholesale tool?
A: You upload your entire suppliers product list, and we will show you exactly which of your suppliers products are selling on and how many units they sell. Its that easy.
Q: How this tool will help me to increase my sales?
A: You can decide which of your suppliers products to sell. For example, you could decide to compete with any existing seller on, if your price is lower, or you could choose to sell a product no-one else is selling.
Q: How can I get the access of this tool?
A: Try this too free with our free trial, or watch the product video here
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